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Agri Express

ISSN Approved Journal No. 2584-2498(Online)

ISI Indexed Journal (Impact Factor)


Abstract: Insecticides are chemicals used to kill insects that damage crops and plants. They come indifferent forms such as spray, powder or granules. Insecticides work by targeting the nervous system of insects, disrupting their ability to eat, reproduce and move. Farmers and gardeners use Insecticides to protect plants from pests such as aphids, caterpillars or beetles. Although Insecticides can be effective; they must be used carefully to avoid harming beneficial insects such as bees or contaminating the environment. Overuse of Insecticides can also lead to pests and conflicts, so responsible use is important. The Present study entitled “AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ON MARKETING OF GRACIA (INSECTICIDE) IN SONBHADRA DISTRICT OF UTTAR PRADESH”. In this research, it was found that Gracia’s business includes three business paths: (Path I → Producer-Producer-Commission Agent-Wholesaler → Retailer-Consumer), (Path II- Producer-Commission Agent-Retailer)) - Consumers and Channels – III (Wholesale Producer-Retailer-Consumer). Consumer rupee spread is in channel 2, total market cap is 185, total market profit is 80, spread is 260, consumer Product rupee producer share in channel 2 is 81.05%, total market cap is 205 in channel 3.

Keywords: Marketing Channels, Marketing Cost, Marketing Margin, Producer’s share in consumer rupee and Price spread.

Author: Abhishek Yadav and Nitin Barker


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