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Agri Express

ISSN Approved Journal No. 2584-2498(Online)

ISI Indexed Journal (Impact Factor)


Abstract: This study explores the marketing channels and distribution mechanisms of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum), commonly known as Bajra, in the Morena district of Madhya Pradesh, India, with a particular focus on the Joura block. Given the economic significance and cultivation prevalence of Pearl Millet in this region, understanding the efficiencies and constraints of its marketing channels is crucial for improving the economic returns for local farmers and stakeholders along the supply chain. Employing a multi-stage stratified random sampling method, this research analyses two primary marketing channels: Channel I, which follows a traditional route from producers directly to consumers via commission agents and wholesalers, and Channel II, which introduces an intermediary contractor before reaching the wholesalers. The study assesses these channels based on market margins, efficiency, and the distribution costs incurred at each stage of the marketing process. The findings indicate significant variances in the net prices received by producers, the costs added by intermediaries, and the final prices paid by consumers. The study also identifies major marketing constraints, including high transportation costs, price fluctuations, and delayed sales, which are pivotal in shaping the marketing dynamics of Pearl Millet in the region. This research contributes to the body of knowledge on agricultural marketing by providing detailed insights into the operational challenges and efficiencies of Pearl Millet distribution channels. It offers practical implications for policymakers and agribusiness stakeholders aiming to enhance the profitability and sustainability of agricultural marketing in semi-arid regions of India.

Keywords: Constraint, Commission, Fluctuation, stakeholder, sustainability

Author: Rupesh Raj and Mr. Jayant Zechariah


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