Abstract: Experiments were carried out at Shradhay Bhagwati Singh Agricultural Research Farm (Hajipur), Chandra Bhanu Gupta Krishi Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya, BKT. Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) during Rabi Season 2022. Applications include four irrigation periods: (I1- CRI 1 irrigation, I2- CRI + tillers 2 irrigation, I3- CRI + tillers + boot level 3 irrigation, I4- 90mm CPE irrigation) as we still have in the main plot. Nitrogen (N1-60 kg/ha), N2-120 kg/ha, N3-180 kg/ha) phosphorus (27 kg/ha) and potassium (262 kg/ha). According to CRI (I1), N, P and K contents in rice and straw are higher at the first irrigation. N, P and K uptake is higher in grains and straw irrigated with 90mm CPE (I4). The most significant increase in growth, yield and nutrient uptake was recorded in plants treated with 180 kg/ha N fertilizer over 120 kg/ha N and 60 kg/ha N, and at a high yield: price ratio.
Keywords: Economics, Fertilizer, Growth, irrigation regimes, wheat and Yield.
Author: Urvashi Chaurasia, Deepak Pandey, Sudhakar Singh and Swaha Shee Chanda
doi: https://doie.org/10.0512/AE.2024945623
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