Abstract: The name of the research is “Study on Consumer’s Buying Behaviour of Lapidos (Insecticide) in Muzaffarnagar District of Uttar Pradesh". Numerous factors have been found to influence respondents' purchasing decisions for Lapidos in the study area throughout the current investigation. Under availability factor it has been observed that 58.33 percent of respondents majorly responded in availability at wholesaler shop, under quality factor 37.50 percent of respondents majorly responded that the Lapidos is curative, underprice factor 45.83 percent of respondents responded that price of Lapidos is low as compared to other insecticides present in the study area, Under packaging category majority of respondents responded under small pack category that is 45.83 percent and under performance category 58.33 percent respondents responded that the performance of Lapidos is average respectively.
Keywords: Consumer’s Buying Behaviour, Curative, Insecticide, Majority
Author: Krishan Kundan, Nitin Barker and Nikhil Singh
doi: https://doie.org/10.0430/AE.2024950065
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