Abstract: The present study entitled “Study on Consumer’s Buying Behaviour of Cosayr (Insecticide) in Muzaffarnagar District of Uttar Pradesh”. During the present study it has been observed that there are various factor affecting in consumer buying behaviour of respondents towards Cosayr in the study area. Under availability factor it has been observed that 54.00 percent of respondents majorly responded in availability at retailer shop, under quality factor 55.00 percent of respondents majorly responded that the Cosayr is curative, under-price factor 56.00 percent of respondents responded that price of Cosayr is medium as compared to other insecticides present in the study area, Under packaging category majority of respondents responded under small pack category that is 45.00 percent and under performance category 44.00 percent respondents responded that the performance of Cosayr is average respectively.
Keywords: Consumer’s Buying Behaviour, Insecticide, Respondent, Category
Author: Shree Krishna Singh and Nitin Barker
doi: https://doie.org/10.0430/AE.2024292149
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