Abstract: This study investigates the socioeconomic traits of fish farmers, the most popular marketing avenues, and how effective these avenues are at dispersing grass carp within a given area. Data from 190 respondents, representing a range of socioeconomic backgrounds, including age, gender, education, social category, family type, and religion, were gathered through the use of a structured survey. The results of the analysis showed a varied socioeconomic profile, with a sizable percentage of the producers fitting into the small-scale group, suggesting that smallholder operations predominate in the region.The research goes deeper into the grass carp marketing channels and finds two main ones: a direct producer to consumer model and a producer to local collectors, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. A thorough analysis of these channels revealed that producers preferred the first one, citing its wider appeal and potential for more profit despite its complexity and more expensive marketing.The price spread, efficiency, margin, and cost of marketing for each of these channels were evaluated analytically. The results highlight how much marketing expenses affect producers' net returns and how important intermediaries are in determining the dynamics of the grass carp distribution market. The study also found a number of barriers to effective marketing, such as price fluctuations, environmental effects, and quality control. These findings highlight the necessity of targeted interventions to improve market access and profitability for fish farmers.
Keywords: Marketing Channel, Marketing Efficiency, Marketing Cost, Marketing Margin
Author: Dhanabir Rajkumar and Amit Kumar
doi: https://doie.org/10.0726/AE.2024252892
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