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Agri Express

ISSN Approved Journal No. 2584-2498(Online)

ISI Indexed Journal (Impact Factor)


Abstract: The study focuses on Study on Marketing of Litchi in Muzaffarpur District of Bihar. The study reveals that the majority of respondents in the study were in marginal farm size categories, with the majority being young, middle, and old age. The majority of respondents were male, and the majority were living in nuclear or joint families. The average annual income category was categorized into those with less than 1 lakh, those with 1-2.5 lakh, 2.5-5 lakh, and more than 5 lakh. Among the 100 respondents, 13 preferred channel 1 for buying and selling Litchi through channel-I, 36 preferred channel-II, and 51 preferred channel-II. Channel I had a total marketing cost of Rs. 370, a marketing margin of Rs. 510, and a marketing efficiency of 2.15%. Channel-II had a total marketing cost of Rs. 590, a price spread of Rs. 710, and a marketing efficiency of 1.83%. Channel-III had a total marketing cost of Rs 720. The study identified five major constraints in marketing of Litchi in the study area: low market price, irregular payment by purchasers, lack of transportation facility, market information, and storage facility.

Keywords: Selective herbicide, Axial, Consumer buying Behaviour, Indian economy.

Author: Ayushi Kumari and Mukesh Maurya


Reference: Gireesan, K. (2020). Youth in agriculture: Opportunities, challenges and the way forward in the post COVID-19 scenario. IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 8. Janmejay Kumar, A Roy, Amalendu Kumar and Shiv Pujan Singh "Economic analysis and marketing efficiency of litchi in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar." The Pharma Innovation Journal 11.4 (2022): 690- 693. Janmejay Kumar and Dinesh Kumar. "Market dynamics and supply chain efficiency of litchi in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar." Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7.2 (2018): 3645-3648. Kumar, Sandeep, Sargam Swami, and Meera Kumari. "LITCHI PRODUCTION CON STRAINTS FACE BY LI TCHI GROW ERS’IN MUZAFFARPUR DIS TRICT OF BIHAR." (2018) Pongener, Alemwati "Litchi processing: A promising value addition." (2021).



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