Abstract: Blueberry is a high-value crop globally. Both wild and cultivated blueberries are commercially available to consumers. Blueberries are plump, sweet, and juicy fruit. They are a widely distributed and widespread group of perennial flowering plants. They are small, round, sweet, and often tangy berries that grow on shrubs belonging to the genus Vaccinium. Although mostly consumed as fresh or frozen blueberries, they are typically blue to purple-black and native to North America. Blueberries are known for their antioxidant properties and are a rich source of vitamins C and K and dietary Fiber. This article will teach us about the Myths, legends, and folktales surrounding the Blueberries. We will delve into the history of Blueberries as a global delicacy, its magical properties, the science behind the flavour of blueberries as well as the various health benefits of Blueberries. When it comes to eating or making RTS (Ready-to-serve) beverages of blueberries, then ripe, plump blueberries should be chosen, ensuring they are free from any signs of spoilage or damage. Washing and sorting the berries is essential to removing dirt or debris, ensuring a clean and safe final product.
Keywords: Nutritional properties, Myths, Folktales, Health benefits
Author: Snigdha Chatterjee , Surendra Kr. Singh Yadav , and Vaishali Singh
Reference: Bierhorst, J. (2002). The Mythology of Native North America. Oxford University Press. This book explores the rich mythology of Native North American tribes, including tales featuring blueberries. Brown, J. (1992). Traditional Narratives of the Rock Cree Indians. University of Manitoba Press. This book contains narratives from the Rock Cree Indians, including stories about blueberries. Chisholm, S. (2008). Canadian Folk Tales. Fireship Press. This collection of Canadian folk tales includes legends and stories about blueberries. Coffey, T. (1993). The History and Folklore of North American Wildflowers. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This book includes the folklore and historical uses of blueberries among other wildflowers. Foster, M., & Kreidler, W. (1996). Plant Folklore: Stories, Myths, and Legends of the Plant Kingdom. ABC-CLIO. This book covers a wide range of plant folklore, including the myths and legends associated with blueberries. Hoffman, N. J., & Mason, L. L. (2006). The Herb Society of America’s Essential Guide to Growing and Cooking with Herbs. LSU Press. This guide includes sections on the historical and cultural significance of blueberries. Turner, N. J. (2005). The Earth’s Blanket: Traditional Teachings for Sustainable Living. Douglas & McIntyre. This book discusses various traditional teachings, including Native American folklore about blueberries. Moerman, D. E. (1998). Native American Ethnobotany. Timber Press. This comprehensive reference provides insights into the traditional uses of blueberries among Native American tribes, including their place in myths and legends. Leach, M. (1984). Folk Tales and Fables of the Americas and the Western World. David & Charles. This book includes folktales and fables from different cultures, including stories involving blueberries. Marles, R. J., Clavelle, C., Monteleone, L., Tays, N., & Burns, D. (2000). Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada's Northwest Boreal Forest. UBC Press. This book discusses the traditional uses of plants, including blueberries, in Canadian Aboriginal culture.