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Agri Express

ISSN Approved Journal No. 2584-2498(Online)

ISI Indexed Journal (Impact Factor)


Abstract: Seed science employs scientific details and accurate research findings for appropriate technological improvements in modern agribusiness and cultivation strategies. Generally, Seed quality focuses on fundamental parameters such as purity, germination, and resistance to adverse growing conditions. Food security and sustainable agriculture create an everincreasing demand to improve the seeds of food, flowers, vegetables, crops, and fibres. The emerging seed science trends currently lean towards improving yield varieties and traits, including biotic and abiotic resistance of seeds towards adverse climatic conditions. Genetic enhancement of crop varieties and seed qualities are the key elements behind the global seed industry pushing for better input efficiency and nutritional value. Moreover, advanced molecular tools and imaging techniques can also forge precision farming strategies. This proves that by utilising appropriate modalities and genetic applications, seed enhancement technologies will become integral to forthcoming crop modification initiatives in rural and urban areas

Keywords: Precision Breeding, Molecular Tools, Hybridization, Heterosis, Molecular Markers

Author: Kumari Srishti, Surendra Kr. Singh Yadav and Prem Chand Singh Maurya

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