Bootstrap Example

Agri Express

ISSN Approved Journal No. 2584-2498(Online)

ISI Indexed Journal (Impact Factor)


Abstract: This research paper examines the marketing channels of potatoes in the Begusarai District of Bihar, focusing on understanding the preferences of farmers and analyzing the associated marketing costs, efficiencies, and price spreads. The study employed a multi-stage sampling design to collect data from 210 farmers, revealing their channel preferences and the economic dynamics involved in each marketing channel. The findings indicate a predominant preference for Channel I, utilized by 49.04% of the respondents, due to its higher marketing efficiency and lower price spread compared to Channels II and III. The research highlights the complexities and trade-offs between direct and intermediary marketing strategies. It concludes with recommendations for enhancing the existing marketing frameworks by improving infrastructure, offering farmer education on advanced marketing tactics, and adapting policies to bolster economic outcomes for the farmers. This study's insights aim to contribute to the development of more sustainable agricultural practices and improved economic conditions in the region.

Keywords: Associate, Efficiency, Sampling, Predominant, Framework, Economy

Author: Adarsh Kumar and Jayant Zechariah


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